Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday I'm In Love.

Just a few things I'm currently loving. Enjoy your weekend! :)

This blog by Free People that shows a cool little tutorial on 3 different top-bun looks.
These old photos that depict the "hidden mother" craze. I had no idea this really occurred until I happened upon this article. Apparently the mother would hide behind blankets or tapestries in order to not be in the child's photo while simultaneously being able to hold to child still to ensure the photo would be focused. Not only are the photos interesting, but they're hysterically funny (to me anyways...).
This dress. Looks like houndstooth from far away but then you realize it is actually fabric covered in tiny hounds. Get it?...I think it's clever, anyways.

This heart necklace. I like my jewelry simple so this is perfect for me :)
This trailer featuring the new Man of Steel film coming out June 2013. It's short, but I'll take anything I can get right now.
These portraits taken by Joshua Yospyn, a DC-based street photographer.
Worn Magazine. A DC-based style + photography magazine that is restarting this Fall 2012. I can't wait to grab a copy!
This DC social group. Dandies + Quaintrelles organizes and hosts vintage-inspired events that sponsor noble causes. This picture is taken from their most recent event in June 2012: The Seersucker Social.

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